We have been married for 18 years and came to a point in our marriage where we needed the help of someone who could teach us. With the help of Ron and Becky, God brought hope to our marriage. Even though we had participated in several marriage retreats and done biblical studies on marriage, we still struggled to communicate well. God has gifted Ron and Becky. Their heart’s desire is to bring unity to marriage. They were so gracious to share insight with us and their transparency helped us open up about our own struggles. We now understand how we each cope when hurt and are able to communicate better to work through what used to seem helpless. We now love and respect each other a lot more.
— Larry & Amy

Ron and Becky Acosta have been a blessing and positive influence in our marriage from the beginning. They assisted us in getting invaluable premarital counseling before our wedding which helped us avoid many pitfalls early on, and then about 4 years into our marriage we had the privilege of attending an Infusion Retreat which they organized and spoke at. This retreat was such a godsend to us in our marriage and a time of reconnecting and learning together.Their honesty and service to all the couples at the retreat truly touched our hearts and our marriage. They are willing to share their successes and failures openly in hopes of helping other couples grow in their marriages and their faith. They are truly a picture of what Christ can do in our lives and in our marriage relationships when we let Him lead and guide us and we have been truly blessed through their story and their ministry, and continue to be blessed by their friendship and presence in our lives.
— Eric & Rhea Ann Pertl

The Marriage Encounter has given us incredible tools to grow our marriage in the safety of our Heavenly Father. We now have hope!!!
— Anonymous